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to Enhance Your Practice & Your Life

Upcoming Events

MoonWillow Tai Chi Workshops 


The Better Sleep Toolkit

w/Allison Deputy of MoonWillow

Virtual Program via Zoom

Saturday, February 8th, 2025
7:00-8:30 PM (CDT) $40 


NEW Discount Only
$32 By Feb 1st!

NEW Workshop in February!!

The Better Sleep Toolkit

Having a hard time getting enough Sleep? This is the workshop for YOU

Did you know that lack of sufficient sleep can increase the likelihood of developing serious health problems such as dementia, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers? What can you do? Join Allison for this uniquely informative workshop that will give you a robust toolkit of things you can do to help settle your mind and body to get the nourishing and restorative sleep you need. Notes and recording included.

In This Program You Will Learn:

Breathwork Techniques to Calm & Recalibrate


Acupressure & Energy Tapping Points for Sleep


Tips on Using Essential Oils & Supplements


Visualization Techniques


New Habits to Incorporate Before Bedtime


Tips on Disspelling Anxiety


& More!

Standing Meditation 
Online Workshop

w/Allyn Barnett of MoonWillow

Virtual Program via Zoom

Saturday, February 15th, 2025
2:00-3:00 PM (CDT) $35 


What is Standing Meditation?

Standing Meditation (or, "Zhan Zhuang") is a core practice in Tai Chi that offers powerful health benefits. Here are just a few in a nutshell:

Mental: Increased Calmness, Reduced Anxiety


Healing: Chronic Fatigue, Arthritis, Joint Pain


Strength: Increased Power from the Legs, Stamina, Balance

In this 1-hour online workshop, Allyn will take you through a series of standing meditation postures that will help you enhance your mind-body connection, improve your spinal alignment, and strengthen your muscles, joints and ligaments.


Tai Chi Basics Online Workshop

with Allison Deputy

Date TBA Soon!

$30 (Zoom Link sent upon purchase)

Ideal for beginners and advanced students alike! Delve more deeply into the principles at the foundation of Tai Chi practice. Learn more about dantien breathing, cultivating stillness in wuji stance, kua training, Tai Chi "walking," and the intricacies of the Yang 12 form movements, including proper structure and alignment, and learning how to move from the dantien. Key to achieving balance, connectedness, and grace in the form. And having fun while doing it!

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Enhanced members that have kept their memberships current can still get their 20% off discount ($24). You must pay direct via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo, or mail a check to MoonWillow, P.O. Box 1943, Crystal Lake, IL 60039-1943. Thank you for your support!

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