Basic Membership - Online Classes
This is an alternative way to get your classes through MoonWillow - the old fashioned way! This replaces the 2-Class Package from before, and you can still get the free Fri & Sat 10:30 AM classes...
Basic Membership gives you 2 Classes per Week for the whole month for one low price! Once you purchase, email us with the classes you want from our schedule and we will get the links right to you. Please note if you choose to stay off of our Wellness Living platform, you will not have access to the class recordings on our video library, which requires login info/password/profile setup, nor will you have the option to earn reward points. If you would like to get on board our new system at a later time, let us know and we will be happy to assist you!
NOTE: If you decide to onboard our new Wellness Living platform, your membeship can be automatically set to renew at the sale rate, however you will need to store valid credit card information on your profile so the auto-renew can go through smoothly. Please contact us if you need assistance
Reg Price: $55 (Check with us for latest discount code to save!)